Chapel of the Wind Area
Born 1997 in Osaka,Live in Aichi
Master of Fine Arts,Kyoto City University of Arts,Kyoto(2023)
I use the lithographic printmaking technique to create works based on the motif of looking at things through a gap. It sometimes seems as if the scenery that expands into the rear has been cut out and crammed in the form of a gap. I know that the scenery has not actually been cut out, but I want to create works in which I can capture the cut-off appearance that I see. In addition to gaps, I focus on elements such as poles and electric wires that cut across the expansive scenery. Using these things as cutting lines, I try to create scenes within a new frame. When you make a print, there are several different processes needed to realize a picture. It is precisely the time involved in this process that enables me to discover the appeal of certain motifs that I initially overlooked. My works are intended to satisfy my desire to cut out (something I could never do in a real space), and they also make me aware of real things that I have overlooked.
Solo exhibition “have never SEEN/have SEEN” (Ibukiyama cultural museum, Shiga), 2021
“PORTO DI STAMPA” (KYOTO ART ZONE KAGURAOKA, Kyoto & B-gallery, Tokyo), 2021
“Exhibition of Neo tea bottles for trains” (Shigaraki station ,Shigaraki Kohgen Railway, Shiga), 2021