

Package, Body cover, kuma foundation gallery, 2023
photo:kuma foundation

Blue Void, MANIFESTS EXCHANGE, √k comtemporary, 2023

Studies (for new sculpture), solo exhibition "Awake but Sleepy", copycenter gallery, 2024


Born 1997 in Osaka, live in Ibaraki
2021 Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, major in sculpture
2023 MFA in Inter Media Art, Tokyo University of the Arts

I create sculptures focusing on the objective reality that accelerates with events and our imagination that slightly shake our daily constancy .

Interviews with artists

Major Exhibitions

Solo exhibition "Awake but Sleepy" copycenter gallery (Tokyo) 2024

"MANIFESTS EXCHANGE" √k comtemporary (Tokyo) 2023

Major Awards

"The 71st Graduation Works Exhibition of Tokyo University of the Arts", Metro Cultural Foundation Prize, 2023

Mayor Prize at the Kyoto City University of Arts Exhibition, 2021

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